The engines i admire most are komodo, hiarcs and latest fritz. No exactly my strength (because my play wasnt stabile) but i enjoyed the competition. They removed fun playing styles, but adapting engine strength, whatever level i choose initially i found fritz's playing week for a few games (slightly) then he started to give me hard competition after then it soften a bit. He talks a lot while playing, he talks like joke but most of them actually gives insight about what fritz thinks important about position. I like it says what is on position while playing, yeah give me the open file, that pawn might be problem etc. Still using it without serial (they will send serial at 25th) As far as playing strength i can say 3180 Elo, i made it match Komodo 9.2 around 40-50 blitz games last night so far result says -258 Elo compared to Komodo ( draws %40 of games loses others) its much more stronger than Fritz 14 but not in competition with Stockfish and Komodo. I still cant afford chessbase (considering its price more than 3 month salary of mine i dont see i can buy it on short term) I liked F15 compared to F14 in some details but didnt noticed something sharply revolutionary yet. I didnt have any money and used pirate fritz so far, i like fritz (and old chessmaster) its expensive for me but i wanted to own 1.